University of Tokyo International Publishing Initiative (UT-IPI)
The University of Tokyo International Publishing Initiative (UT-IPI) supports the publication of academic books in English by scholars in the humanities and social sciences at the University of Tokyo.
東京大学の英文図書刊行支援事業(UT-IPI) では、本学研究者による人文学、社会科学系学術書の英文図書刊行支援を行っています。
The purpose of the Initiative is to advance academic knowledge by facilitating publication of the world-leading scholarship produced at the University of Tokyo in English, which is most widely used internationally for the dissemination of academic work.
UT-IPI Academic Editors are available to all University of Tokyo scholars looking for hands-on support through the publishing process – from the first draft of a book proposal to the final proofs of their manuscript.
Working in close collaboration with the Institute of Social Science and the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, the UT-IPI hosts regular workshops and symposiums alongside one-to-one sessions aimed at helping authors with their individual needs.
UT-IPI will provide assistance for any faculty members in the University (Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Lecturers, Project Academic Staff, Project Researchers, JSPS Post-Doctoral Fellows, Restart Post-Doctoral Fellows and Superlative and Post-Doctoral Fellows) in all Humanities, Area Studies and Social Science disciplines.